P.O. Box 641318
San Francisco, CA 94164-1318

A Not-for-Profit Organization


February 1995

The goal of the Committee to Save St. Brigid's Church is to continue the work of Jesus Christ in this community. We represent thousands of people who feel that the closure of St. Brigid was wrong and contrary to the very essence of Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church. This newsletter is presented so that you may be better informed of our efforts.

Our appeal to the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura is now well under way. Robert R. Bryan has associated and retained Dr. Martha Wegan to be our advocate.

Dr. Wegan has a doctorate of theology and has been practicing canon law for ?? years. She is one of only fifteen advocates who is authorized to appear before the Supreme Tribunal.

She is currently working with Robert in reviewing our case and preparing our appeal.

The Committee to Save St. Brigid's Church sponsored a Parish dinner at the Fort Mason Officers' Club on Friday, November 18, 1994. Over 200 parishioners and friends of St. Brigid attended the dinner.

The highlight of the evening came when the Committee honored Father Cyril O'Sullivan for his years of faithful service to the parishioners of St. Brigid's Church. He was presented with a beautifully framed photo of the Altar in recognition of his love for the Church.

Also present that evening were Father Edmund Hayburn, brother of the late Monsignor Robert Hayburn, Father Victor ??, Pastor of Holy Trinity Cathedral, and Bernie Ward, KGO radio reporter.

For many, this was the first opportunity to visit with fellow parishioners since the Archdiocese closed our Church. A wonderful time was had by all.

St. Patrick's Day Dinner, March 10, 1995
The Committee to Save St. Brigid's Church is sponsoring a St. Patrick's Day Dinner at the Fort Mason Officers' Club on Friday, March 10, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity to get together with fellow parishioners. Please see enclosed flyer for more details and reservation information.

Sunday Masses at Fort Mason
Many St. Brigid Parishioners now attend the 11:15 a.m. Mass at the Fort Mason Chapel. We have been warmly received, and many consider this their "home away from home" until St. Brigid's Church reopens. The chapel is not under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Some remain afterwards to visit and have brunch at the nearby Officers' Club, which is open to all. The brunch is $10.95. Everyone is invited to this Mass and brunch.

Weekly Meetings of the Committee to Save St. Brigid's Church
The Committee to Save St. Brigid's Church continues to meet each Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m.with the praying of the Rosary. The meetings are held at Holy Trinity Cathedral, the Russian Orthodox Church, at 1520 Green Street (at Van Ness). We are composed of all who are interested in saving St. Brigid's Church, and continuing the work of Jesus Christ in the community. All are welcome.

T-shirts and Sweatshirts
The Committee is selling "Save St. Brigid T-shirts and Sweatshirts." The T-shirts come in two colors - light blue and cream, and Sweatshirts are denim blue. T-shirts cost $10 each and Sweatshirts cost $18 each. Both are available in small, medium, large and extra large, and can be purchased at our Wednesday night meetings.

Financial Support
The Committee to Save St. Brigid's Church is a not-for-profit organization, tax status pending, devoted to reopening and maintaining St. Brigid as a place of worship.

While the Committee has no employees and the officers serve without compensation, our expenses are substantial. The appeal to the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in Rome, is particularly expensive. Additionally, we continue to incur ongoing expenses regularly for such things as printing, copying, mailings, express deliveries to Rome, international telephone calls and faxes, etc.

Our expenses are met only by ongoing donations from our supporters. Your help, in any amount, will be greatly appreciated and make this effort successful. Checks should be made payable to: Committee to Save St. Brigid's Church, and mailed to P. O. Box 641318, San Francisco, CA 94164-1318.

Mailing List
We will continue to publish new Update Newsletters as new information regarding our appeal becomes available. Additions, deletions or changes to our mailing list can be made by writing the Committee at the above address.

We are interested in finding out how the closure of St. Brigid's Church has affected you. Please take a few minutes of your time to answer the following questions and return this portion of the Newsletter to the Committee.

Are you currently registered at another parish? If yes, which one?

Which Mass are you currently attending?

Has your daily or Sunday worship been disrupted in any way?

Has your financial contribution to the Church changed since St. Brigid's Church was closed?

Thank you for joining us in the campaign to save St. Brigid's Church. Everything we do is based upon a commitment to continue doing the work of Jesus Christ and the Roman Catholic Church in this community. Please share this newsletter with your friends and family.




©Copyright Committee To Save St. Brigid Church